Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 19

Wow! We have completed half of our 1st grade year! Time flies by so quickly. Report cards should be coming home early next week. Watch for them to come in the folders!

Language Arts
We will not be having a new spelling list this week.  We will continue to review hard and soft c & g sounds.

Most of our first graders can now read beginning reader books.  Each child needs to read often at home.  The more your child reads, the better he/she will be able to read!  Please encourage your first grader to read, read, read!

We are continuing to work on writing and counting numbers to 120.  We will be working on place value.

We will also not have math homework this week.  It will resume again on Tuesday.

Supplies Needed
Some of you have offered to help our classroom with needed supplies and have inquired as to the items we are in need of. 
We could use tissues, clorox wipes, and glue sticks. Thank you to those of you who have already generously donated!

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