Sunday, October 9, 2016

More News

 News for October 10th

Vocabulary Words We Will Work With This Week
exercise,    physical,   agree,    difficult,    exhausted

Important Dates in October
13th              District Poetry Out Loud
20th – 21st    UEA – No School
31st               Halloween Parade @ 10:30

Special Thanks
…To all the parents who came as chaperones on our field trip to the corn maze.  We LOVED having you there with us!

We are proud of our students for memorizing and presenting their poem to the class.  It is a little scary to be in front of others, but an important skill to work on.  Way to go, first graders!

We are asking that you make sure that your child has his/her name written on the tag in his/her coat.  Coats are often misplaced and this will help ensure that your child’s coat will always be returned!   Thanks for your help.

Please help your child remember to return the homework back to school.  Our “house” receives points if everyone returns the homework for the week

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