Friday, October 21, 2016

Halloween Activities

AES Halloween Carnival will be held at the Elementary School from 5:00 - 7:00pm. Tickets are $3.00 at the door or $2.00 prepaid.
The ticket will allow you to do the Quidditch Toss, a potions session, the Haunted House, the Fortune Teller, Moody's Magical Eye-ball Bounce, Dobby's Sock Toss, the cake walk, Pin Harry's Scar on his face, Harry Potter bingo, fishpond, and one entry to our teacher decorated pumpkin raffle.
The link to purchase online tickets is…

Concessions will be available: Piza $1.50 a slice or $10.00 a box
Donuts and Cookies $1.00
Caramel apple plates $3.00

Facepainting $1.00
Honeyduke's Candy store: Bertie Botts Beans and sweet treats

Additional tickets can be purchased for pumpkin raffle and the raffle for a quilt donated by Mrs. Peterson!
We hope to see you there.

Halloween Parade
We will be parading in our Halloween costumes Friday, October 28th @ 10:15am! Costumes may be worn to school!

We will have a class activity in the afternoon!

We are asking that October 31st be treated as a normal school day - no costumes or treats! Save it for after school parties and trickt or treating. Thank you for your help in this matter.

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